Thursday, August 30, 2012

We've got a Walker!!!

Sadie has been furniture walking for months, and taking 1 or 2 steps on her own for the past week.  She will also walk holding my hand (which I love).  On Wednesday, August 28 I picked her up from daycare and her teacher told me she had been walking around all day long!  She is 16 months old and I feel that this is quite an accomplishment!  We are so happy and proud of her and I spent all evening praising her and watching her new trick.  I think the combination of her wonderful leg brace that was custom made for her, and being at daycare 3 days per week with the other kids who are all walking helped her.  Congratulations Sadie!!!!!

I recently found this quote and love it:

It is not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.

-Ann Landers