Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fall Photoshoot

Fall photo session by my friend Nathan at Imagen Photography
Love these photos!!! 
October 2012

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Long Overdue Update!

It has been an absolute whirlwind since my last post and a LOT has happened!

First of all, we met with Dr. Paley in November at his facility.  We coincidentally met our facebook friends whose daughter Hayden is undergoing limb lengthening as well, in the waiting room, while we were there!  That was so helpful and nice to talk with people just like us who are going through what we will be in the next few years.

Dr. Paley had a few doctors with him observing all of his appointments since he is the pioneer in his field and everything he is doing for people.  After looking at Sadie's MRI results on disc that we brought with us, he told us that she does not have any bone or cartilage connection between her hip socket and femur bone head.  Everyone previously thought there was, from the x-rays, so this was news.  He said this requires a more "intense" Superhip surgery, which he calls "Superhip 2".  He said that there are a handful of doctors around the world who do Superhip 1 surgery (which is what we were previously planning on), but he is the only doctor who does the Superhip 2 surgery.  He has performed this particular surgery 40-50 times.  Since it is such an intensive surgery, he requires the child be at least 3-4 years of age in order to develop more before the surgery.  The recovery time is the same though (about 10 days, pending no complications).  We will plan on doing this around November or December 2014. 

Dr. Paley said he would recommend Sadie get another MRI this fall and to bring in the results for another yearly checkup with him after that.  So we kind of have a break from all of this for a while now which is helpful because there is other big news!

Sadie is going to have a little sister in July!!!!!  We are so excited!  Here is a video of Sadie's reaction when we told her it was a girl, on February 11, 2013:

We also moved into a new house, a LOT bigger than our old house!  It is so nice to have room and we have been getting Sadie's and her new sister's rooms ready.

Sadie updates:
  • She will be 2 years old on April 23.
  • She says a LOT of words now.
  • She is a very intense personality - demanding and bossy, but also very affectionate and just so lovable.
  • We think she is ultra intelligent.
  • She remembers everything - she even knows the hood ornaments for Mazdas (mama's car) and Hondas (Dada's car) and when she sees any car of these brands says Mama's Car!  Dada's Car!
  • Sadie and I go to a swim and gym class at the Y every Monday and she loves it! 
  • We go to storytime at the library most Wednesdays and she loves that almost as much (Tick, Tock, I'm a little cuckoo clock -- is her fave song we sing there)
  • She knows all of her colors.
  • She knows about 5 letters, and also the first letter of her name.
  • She is in Toddler 3 class at daycare now and goes 3 days per week.
  • Favorite foods are pizza and macaroni and cheese.
  • Sadie just got fitted for her 3rd leg brace and we'll get it soon.  She is getting so big!

Here are some recent pics over the past few months:

Sadie looking out the window for Mama to arrive at school with her friends!