Monday, March 20, 2017

Time for Limb Lengthening....Finally!

It's almost time - finally - for limb lengthening on Sadie's leg!  It really does seem like we have been talking about this and planning it forever.  We have arranged our entire lives around this and it's been a long time coming so we are pretty much feeling full steam ahead!  I'm trying to mentally prepare myself and mentally prepare the girls.  Most of the time, it will just be the 3 of us in Florida together, going to physical therapy, doing physical therapy at home, pin turning, x-rays and doctor appointments.  Hopefully we will be able to do lots of swimming in the pool at our condo and even better if we can squeeze in a few trips to Disneyworld as well!  I know that will cheer all of us up if we're having a hard time!

I'll try to keep the blog updated with pictures of our physical and mental progress.  The two go hand in hand as I believe that physical progress in this situation will not be possible without mental growth as well.  I'm expecting both to have their ups and downs but I wouldn't change any of it!  As they say in the movie Dumbo, "the very things that hold you down are gonna give you wings".  And we'll all leave the situation with one longer leg and a lot more spiritual growth.

Updates to come!