Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It's been a long time!

It's been so long since I posted and the reason for that is because we really haven't had many updates in Sadie's medical situation.  We've been enjoying life with very little happening in regards to her legs and hip.  It's been really nice!

Sadie is a big sister!!!!  Sienna Reese was born on 7/14/13 at 11:52pm and is a beautiful, happy, angel baby.  We love her so much and she is the perfect addition to our family!

We are going to Disneyworld!  Sadie loves all things Disney so we decided to go so she can experience the "magic" before her hip surgery.
Sadie will be having “Superhip 2” surgery this fall by Dr. Paley in West Palm Beach, Florida.  The purpose of this surgery is to reconstruct her hip in order to prevent future issues as she grows as well as stabilize it so she can have limb lengthening done in the future (about 1.5 years after this surgery). 

More regular updates to come!  Pictures from Disneyworld,  surgery updates, etc.  If you want to get frequent updates on all things Sadie, follow vnicolek1 on Instagram! 

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