It has been hard for me to post any update because quite honestly it's been the hardest month of our lives. I've never felt so deflated and overwhelmed and still am very much feeling the effects of a traumatic past few weeks that is still traumatic. But things are slowly getting better. The best of all - and most important - is that it seems Sadie is physically healing very well!
We went into our awesome prosthetist yesterday, who has been seeing Sadie since she was a year old, and he adjusted her orthotic prosthetic (AFO). By his calculations, her leg is about 4-5cm longer now, post surgery! Wearing the adjusted prosthetic and using the walker will get Sadie back to being independent and getting around by herself with her walker within a few weeks. Currently, we still have to carry her around everywhere and if she is walking with her walker we need to hold on to her and walk with her from behind.
I was able to get physical therapy set up at a place close to our house. We will go 5 days per week and our local orthopedic doctor from Rainbow will coordinate with the therapist. We will do monthly X-rays and checkups with our local ortho and email to Dr. paley so he can monitor the healing and let us know when we can make the trip back down to West Palm Beach for fixator removal surgery.
We are trying to remain positive. There is no instruction manual for dealing with this. Sienna helps us with the positivity though. She's oblivious to everything going on and Is such a clown, always happy. She's at such a hard age for dealing with all of this but we don't know what we would do without her constant comic relief!
I'm working on therapy for Sadie as we work through her frustration of wearing this bulky 7 pound external metal fixator attached to her bones going through her skin. We are going to some Christmas plays, checking into music therapy and a few other ideas and connections I've been able to make with instruction from our pediatrician and the Paley community.
Also on the bright side, some of my best girlfriends, my Kirkbrides girls, and our parents have been helping us get back on our feet. We were truly in crisis mode and anything anyone offered to help me with over the past week has been graciously appreciated like food, errands, laundry, cleaning, just sitting with Sadie to comfort her, playing with Sienna, sewing custom underwear, spending time with me at our house so I can do bath time and have someone to talk to, etc etc!! My local BFF Allison told me less than 24 hours after we got home she is coming over whether she's invited or not all day to help me and I DO NOT KNOW what I would have done that day without her support right by our sides. We even have a singing telegram coming tomorrow night from Elsa courtesy of Allison in CA!! Also, Sadie's BFF Vera (daughter of my BFF Jenny of course) came for a play date in Sunday and Sadie couldn't have been happier!!! Sadie loves visitors!! I am so thankful for our amazing people! Things are not normal but at least getting to the point of being manageable. It's truly a new life for us. Our cat Snoopy has been keeping a close eye on Sadie too and always sleeps with her. I also think I have found a partial childcare solution because unless anyone forgot, I still actually have a job and business to tend to as well, in the midst of all of this insanity!!! Jimmy also obviously is still working regular weeks (and is quite happy for his "break time" out of the house at this point, lol!!). Over the past few days I've gotten to the point of laughing at everything - might be a sign of healing, might be a sign of insanity, not sure. I do know I would not want to be handling this situation with anyone in the world besides Jimmy though! That's a whole other post!
It's in my plans at some point to write a detailed post about the actual day of the surgery, and our entire Florida stay in general. We couldn't script the trip more dramatic if we tried; you truly won't believe some of these stories. Stay tuned and please keep praying for Sadie! Thank you for your support!!
Before X-ray on left/after X-ray on right: